
My name is Martha and I’m new to backpacking. I have many roles in my life, predominantly partner, mother, midwife, and social justice organizer.

I occasionally write about political economy and philosophy on a blog I share with my partner Aiyanas called This Tiny Globe.

Both titles: Under the Frosty Sky and This Tiny Globe are translated excerpts from poems written by Mao Tse Tung. I’ve been inspired and motivated throughout my adult life both by studying the history of the Chinese commune system and by immersing myself in communities in the Philippines which practice reciprocal relations of production.

I started backpacking because I was tired and anxious and found when I hiked my physical symptoms improved and emotionally / psychologically I felt more optimistic about the potential of humans to accomplish fundamental social change.

All of the photos on this blog are taken by me and are part of our experiences as a family. If you want to use one, please reach out to me.

If you want to reach me you can email me at martha.aiyanas(at)gmail.com