
Aiyanas and I were recently trying to figure out when hiking became an intentional leisure pursuit of ours. We both hiked with our parents when we were kids, and we’ve enjoyed occasional hikes over our twenty year relationship. In the Philippines, we hiked to visit many rural barangays, and when visiting our fam in Maine we hike Acadia NP. But we live out West! In the mountains! And it has really only been in the last 2-3 years that we fully discovered our love of hiking.

I love hiking with our family! With the whole family, or with any assortment of our crew. It’s a good way to bond with the kids, and to spend time together creating memories like the ones we cherish from our childhoods. But in the last couple years hiking has taken on deeper significance for me.

movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change:

For me, hiking is an embodiment of a transitionary time in my life. Hiking is a physical act corresponding with inner changes: physical changes of aging, emotional changes of loss and grief, ideological changes that accompany an increasing commitment to supporting the liberation movement in the Philippines as a lifelong pursuit.

“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.”

Albert Einstein